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Protechting The Future

Research and Development

The online and digital world is growing at a faster rate than ever before and it will not slow down. Our commitment to research and development on the latest trends, dangers and predator techniques will give you the advantages you need to win.

We keep our Protechtion members informed with regular updates, new courses, and improvements to existing courses when things change. Never worry again as a parent about being left behind.

Law Enforcement

When you see the alarming rate that Child Sexual Abuse Material is being both produced and accessed and how fast online predators are moving to access children, it is impossible to think law enforcement can keep up with this epidemic. Protechtion’s mission is to bring funding and resources needed for law enforcement to bring an end to internet child exploitation one community at a time. In conjunction with membership dues allocated to this area we are actively seeking community partnerships to join us on our mission. Connect with us

victim to VICTOR

No child should ever go through being exploited or used for a sexual purpose for the gains of another person. Protechtion aims to connect with those who have been harmed and to take them from a place of victim to VICTOR guiding them to a fulfilling adulthood and life. Assisting children through these terrible experiences so they do not become another fallout statistic is paramount.

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